Attendance to international conferences in 2023

This year, the Building Resilient team was present in several international conferences.

Nirvan Makoond travelled to the USA to attend two international conferences. The first one was the SEI/ASCE Structures Congress 2023 held in New Orleans (, with a presentation on full-scale tests as part of a special session on Precast Concrete and Disproportionate Collapse. The second one was the 6th International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS6) held in Auburn (, with a talk on improving building robustness through fuse segmentation.

José Adam, Manuel Buitrago and Andri Setiawan participated in the fib Symposium 2023 (Building for the future: Durable, Sustainable, Resilient) held in Istanbul ( They contributed to the event with two presentations related to the Endure project and the full-scale partial collapse test already performed as part of the project’s third work package.

Manuel Buitrago participated in Eurodyn 2023: XII International Conference on Structural Dynamics held in Delft (Netherlands) (, with a talk related to our research on steel truss bridges.

Nirvan Makoond contributed to the 10th edition of the Eurosteel conference held in Amsterdam (, with a presentation of our research on robustness and monitoring of steel truss bridges.

Finally, José Adam also participated in the event “24 Hours of Concrete Knowledge” hosted by the American Concrete Institute (ACI), with the support of la Asociación Española de Ingeniería Estructural (ACHE). He gave a presentation about enhancing the robustness of reinforced concrete building structures. The talk can be viewed on our YouTube channel: