In April we have finished the construction works for the PREBUST project. The construction consisted of a building-specimen with 15 x 12 m in plan, and with a distribution of 3 x 2 spans of 5 and 6 metres respectively. With the exception of the foundations, which were cast in place, the building-specimen has been constructed entirely with precast elements. It consists of precast columns with corbels, semi-precast beams and precast prestressed hollow core slabs with a 6 cm compression layer poured on site.
Now that the construction phase is complete, we will wait until May to carry out the tests. The planned experimental program involves three individual tests, each consisting of the sudden removal of a specific edge or corner column. For this purpose, three of the building’s columns on the ground floor have been replaced with steel columns incorporating a hinge mechanism with provisional blocks.
The aim of these tests is to analyse the robustness of precast concrete structures and to raise awareness in the scientific community, among practitioners, and in society in general. Construction with precast concrete elements need not be associated with structures that are more vulnerable to possible failure or collapse. With the right construction details, these structures are capable of withstanding significant local-initial failures without suffering disproportionate collapse.