Evolve: Identifying when current design guidelines contribute to disproportionate collapse of reinforced concrete building structures

Evolve is a project funded by Generalitat Valenciana and hosted at the Universitat Politècnica de València.

The overall aim of Evolve is to develop a performance-assessment framework to identify when more connectivity and continuity can increase the risk of disproportionate collapse in reinforced concrete (RC) structures.

The project started in 2024 and spans a total duration of 2 years.


Up to the present time, most research in the field of structural robustness has focused on secondary resisting mechanisms that can provide alternative load paths (ALPs) to prevent collapse initiation after the loss of single columns.  The activation of these ALPs relies on ensuring there is sufficient continuity throughout a building’s structural system. This strategy is not viable nor sustainable when considering large initial failures such as those that have actually caused many catastrophic cases of disproportionate collapse. Moreover, having extensive continuity within a structural system can actually increase the risk of disproportionate collapse after large initial failures due to collapsing parts pulling down the rest of the structure. This possible negative effect of continuity has been envisaged by other researchers and is in fact even leveraged by demolition experts when performing implosions.

Recognising these significant limitations of alternative load paths, some researchers have even proposed different conceptual ideas for improving robustness. Some notable examples of proposed strategies include strong floors for preventing vertical collapse propagation in high-rise structures, a region-sacrifice method for preventing horizontal collapse propagation in steel-framed buildings, and several other forms of segmentation.


Although the possible negative effects of continuity or connectivity have been envisaged by other researchers, and alternative strategies for improving robustness have even been proposed, no research has ever systematically studied the initial failures and building designs for which continuity can contribute to disproportionate collapse. As such, there still is a significant lack of understanding on the situations for which the implementation of current robustness design methods can lead to worse performance.

Collapse of Champlain Towers South (USA) in 2021
How extensive continuity can contribute to disproportionate collapse


The overall aim of Evolve is to develop a performance-assessment framework to identify when more connectivity and continuity can increase the risk of disproportionate collapse in reinforced concrete (RC) structures.

In order to achieve this overall aim, three specific objectives have been defined for Evolve:

  • Objective 1: To calibrate a suitable computational modelling strategy able to accurately simulate all phases of collapse including cracking, element separation, and debris collision.
  • Objective 2: To systematically study the outcome of meaningful initial failures in a set of carefully defined realistic building designs using high-fidelity collapse simulations.
  • Objective 3: To define performance objectives for determining optimal levels of continuity for enhanced robustness.


Evolve has been organised in three work packages (WP), each directly related to one of the specific objectives of Evolve.

WP1 – Calibrating computational modelling strategy

For the derived conclusions from analyses performed in Evolve to be reliable and meaningful, it is crucial to ensure that the predictions from simulations performed using the planned computational modelling strategy are in good agreement with observed structural responses from experimental tests. Since the project requires simulating building collapses, the Applied Element Method (AEM) will be used for planned simulation tasks due to its computational efficiency and ability to accurately represent all phases of a collapse including element separation, contact, and collision. Therefore, this WP is mainly concerned with the selection of suitable experimental studies and with the calibration of specific input parameters required when employing the AEM. Besides allowing the definition of a validated computational modelling strategy that is required to achieve the overall aim of Evolve, this WP will also produce results that, by themselves, will be useful for the scientific community. Such results include: i) a compilation of existing progressive collapse experiments categorised according to relevant phenomena captured during the tests, and ii) guidelines to configure input parameters of AEM models for the accurate predictive simulation of the collapse of RC structures.

WP2 – Simulating failures in realistic building designs

WP2 involves elaborating the case studies and performing the simulations whose results will provide the basis for the performance assessment framework to be defined in WP3. This WP will employ the simulation strategy calibrated in WP1 and will ultimately establish the specific scope of the performance assessment framework through the nature of the defined case studies. Moreover, the analyses to be performed in WP2 will enable developing a fundamental understanding of phenomena involved in collapse propagation. Although, such phenomena has been studied conceptually by previous researchers, the precise nature, magnitude, and dynamic evolution of forces and straining actions enabling their occurrence is still not well understood.

WP3 – Defining performance-assessment framework

WP3 involves synthetising and generalising all relevant conclusions that could be drawn from the analyses performed in previous WPs in order to define practical heuristic methods and guidelines that can be used to define limits of connectivity within a structural system for preventing disproportionate collapse after large initial failures. These heuristic methods and guidelines will be encompassed into a general performance-assessment framework. Although the development of this framework will mostly rely on the results achieved in WP2, any relevant conclusion that can be drawn from the calibration exercises performed in WP1 will also be considered.


The most notable scientific impact of Evolve is an improved understanding of collapse propagation in reinforced concrete structures, with a clear impact on the resilience of future buildings.

With respect to technological impact, the results of Evolve will advance the use of the Applied Element Method for collapse simulations, enabling more practitioners and researchers to perform reliable collapse simulations. Moreover, Evolve will provide a better understanding of the limitations of current methods included in building codes, paving the way for new solutions to improve the structural robustness of buildings.

This will lead to more resilient buildings, having a clear societal impact in the form of reduced losses and the saving of lives during extreme events. In doing so, Evolve is perfectly aligned with target D of the Sendai Framework (“Reduce disaster damage to critical infrastructure and disruption of basic services”), and will contribute to SDG 9 (“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation”) and SDG 11 (“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”).

Funded by Generalitat Valenciana – Conselleria de Innovación, Universidades, Ciencia y Sociedad Digital under the GE 2024 call (CIGE/2023/199).